First Nations Lands Advisory Board
Under the Framework Agreement, signatory First Nations established a Lands Advisory Board to assist them in implementing land governance over their reserve lands and resources. Councils of the Signatory Operational First Nations (FNs) determine composition of the LAB. The LAB is currently comprised of 15 elected Directors and the Chairman, serving on staggered terms. Annually, one Director’s position comes up for election from each of three regions. These three regions are British Columbia, Prairie (AB, SK and MB), and Eastern (ON, QC and the Atlantic). The LAB Chairman is elected for a 5-year term; the Directors are elected for three-year terms.
LAB’s primary responsibilities are to:
- Provide strategic direction to the Resource Centre;
- Propose to the Minister such amendments to the Framework Agreement and the federal legislation as it considers necessary or advisable;
- In consultation with First Nations, negotiate a funding method with the Minister
- Perform such other functions or services for a First Nation as are agreed to between the LAB and the First Nation
The LAB Directors also provide the following services:
- Political advocacy to Signatory First Nations
- Framework Agreement presentations to operational, developmental and interested First Nations, Parliament, conferences and other relevant gatherings
- Meetings with provincial and federal governments as well as other organizations and 3rd parties
- Media Interaction
The Lands Advisory Board (LAB) is an elected First Nations organization with the mandate to:
- Conduct policy & planning at the political level;
- Conduct intergovernmental relations/meetings with Canada, Parliament, provincial, regional, and municipal governments, financial institutions, etc., to implement the spirit, intent and meaning of the Framework Agreement;
- Attend conferences and other public gatherings relevant to the promotion and awareness of the Framework Agreement as requested;
- Attend community meetings and/or provide high level political and strategic advice to Chiefs and Council in the development and implementation of land codes;
- Provide advice to First Nations seeking entry into the Framework Agreement, upon request; and
- Conduct political advocacy with signatory First Nations related to the fulfillment of FA responsibilities such as the negotiation of operational funding and Framework Agreement/FNLMA amendments.
Chairman of Lands Advisory Board
Chief Robert Louie
Robert Louie, LL.B, OC, Hon. Dr LL.B, Hon. Fellow Okanagan College is the Chief (27 years) of the Westbank First Nation (which is Self-Governing), and has served on numerous Boards, Companies and Special Appointments with Government and private industry for over 30 years. He has extensive experience in real estate development and finance matters and has focused primarily on working for First Nations on land matters throughout Canada. Over the 27-year span as Chief at Westbank First Nation, Robert was President/Director for 30 plus corporations which included construction, forestry, commercial/retail, residential, recreational, and institutional.
Robert is the Chairman of the First Nations Lands Advisory Board (approx. 35 years) and has been instrumental in getting First Nations into incremental self-governance. Robert is also the Chairman/Director of Peace Hills Trust, which is the largest aboriginal financial institution in Canada. Robert is a Founding Director and is a shareholder in the Public Company – Decisive Dividends (DE) on TSX Venture, Trustee and Chairman of Apartment Plus REIT, and is a member of the TC Energy Indigenous Advisory Council. Robert is also the owner of Indigenous World Winery and Distillery, Kelowna West Manufacturing Home Park, real estate projects, and several other business endeavours.
Robert is a former practicing lawyer who specialized in native law and was a summer Law Instructor at the University of Saskatchewan. He has received an Honorary Doctor of Laws from the Justice Institute of British Columbia. He is also a former Task Group member elected by the Chiefs in BC serving 4 years on the B.C. First Nations Summit Task Group and was actively involved in B.C. Treaty negotiations representing First Nations. Robert was awarded the prestigious Officer of the Order of Canada on October 5th, 2006 and on June 1st, 2019, Robert was honored with the recognition of Honorary Fellow of Okanagan College.
Some of the other past numerous boards and special appointments Robert has been active in include: Director of Ecora Engineering and Resource Group Ltd; Director of DAXET Development Corporation (which is owned by T’Sou-ke Nation); Panelist judge on Bears’ Lair TV program on APTN; Indigenous advisor representing Canada on the World Indigenous Business Forum, where he networked with other leaders promoting Indigenous economic development and world trade; Board Member with the BC Achievement Foundation and also sat on the Executive Committee; Board of Governor member with UBC; President’s Advisory Council member with UBC-Okanagan; Board Director on the National Aboriginal Economic Development Board; President of First Nations Finance Authority Inc.; Board Director with All Nations Trust Co; one of a nine member Premier’s Advisory Council with the Premier of B.C.; Board Director on the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce; Board Director and founding member with the Kelowna United Native Friendship Society.
Robert has been the recipient of many other awards and distinguished presentations including: Aboriginal Business Lifetime Achievement Award 2022, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business; Lifetime B.C. Achievement Award Aboriginal Business; Distinguished Alumni Business Administration, Okanagan College; Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal; Excellence in Aboriginal Leadership from Aboriginal Financial Officers Association & Xerox Canada; Business Person of the Year, Westbank Chamber of Commerce; President’s Award, Westbank Chamber of Commerce; Recipient of Commemorative Medal for 125th Anniversary of Canada and the B.C. Academic Scholarship Award.
Directors of British Columbia
Eugene Louie, LAB Elder
Eugene Louie, LAB Elder From Tla’amin First Nation, B.C. Eugene Louie’s ancestral name is pelachiewtwx. He is the LAB Elder and Elder in residence for Vancouver Island University, as well as a faculty member for the Powell River campus. One of his proudest achievements was when the T’la’Amin Nation attained self-government. Elder Louie was Chief when his community entered into the Made- in-BC treaty.
Chief Maureen Chapman
Shxwetelemel-elhot, also known as Chief Maureen Chapman, was born in Clearwater, BC. She spent a number of years in Washington State where she graduated from high school, raised her family, attended community college, and returned to BC in the early 1990’s. Her son, Jesse, and his family reside in southeastern Washington State. After returning to BC, Maureen continued her studies at the University of the Fraser Valley and also began her Council work for Skawahlook First Nation.
Maureen is the hereditary Chief of her Nation and was selected for this responsibility in 1999. Skawahlook First Nation practices a matrilineal system and her successor is being mentored.
Chief Chapman is the President for the Sto:lo Xwexwilmexw Government (SXG), which is negotiating a Self Governing Agreement (aka Treaty) with five other First Nations within the Sto:lo Traditional Territory. She also participates on a number of Committees on behalf of the SXG, locally and provincially. Skawahlook First Nation is a member of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC), the BC Assembly of First Nations (FNS), and the First Nations Summit (FNS).
Please use the following email to reach Chief Chapman:

Councillor Howard E. Grant
Councillor Howard E. Grant, Musqueam Indian Band
(Full bio to follow)
Please use the following email to reach Councillor Grant:
Elected as a B.C. Region Director for the First Nations Lands Advisory Board at the 2024 LAB AGM.
Grand Chief Joe Hall
Joe Hall is a Director on the Lands Advisory Board, Chairman of the TEDA Support Society and a Director on the Tale’awtxw Capital Corporation Board.
Highlights of previous affiliations include President of the Stó:lō Nation Chiefs’ Council, Chief of Tzeachten First Nation, President of the Ch-ihl-kway-uhk Tribe, Chairman of Ch-ihl-kway-uhk Forestry Limited Partnership, Chairman of Centre Creek Management Limited, First Nations Statistical Institute, BC AFN Chief’s Committee on Fiscal Relations, BC AFN Chief’s Committee on Housing, Chairman of the First Nations Finance Authority, Chief Executive Officer for Stó:lō Nation, Chairman of the First Nation Education Steering Committee, Chairman of the BC First Nations Gaming Revenue-Sharing Negotiating Committee, RCMP Commissioner’s Advisory Panel, Chairman of the Seven Generations Environmental Services, Chairman of Shxw kwimel Cha Management Ltd., Chairman of the Tzeachten Finance and Audit Committee, and member of the Chilliwack Official Planning Committee.
Mr. Hall has lectured at the University of Victoria on taxation, participated on the tax panel at the Union of BC Municipalities in Victoria, presented at Pacific Business & Law Institute on Overlapping Claims & Shared Territories and assisted the BC Region DIAND Executive Committee with the development of the “Government to Government” handbook. Mr. Hall was the First Nations lead negotiator with the Province of BC establishing gaming revenue sharing with BC First Nations
To contact Mr. Hall, please use the following email:
Gordon Planes
Gordon’s traditional name is Hya quatcha, named after his great-grandfather from Scia-new, the salmon people. A former Chief of the T’Sou-ke Nation for over ten years, Gordon also previously held a position as the Back Country Operations Manager of the West Coast Trail for Parks Canada. He is a Coast Salish carver, artist, traditional singer and a captain of T’Sou-ke traditional dug-out canoes for the last two decades.
Gordon has previously taken a three year assignment in working with his community in bringing back their Northern Straits Sencoten language. Gordon and his wife Marcella presently reside in the village of Siaosun and have 6 children and 6 grandchildren. He is actively working closely with the community in renewable energy, food security, cultural renaissance and Economic Development.
Please use the following email to reach Chief Planes:
Elected as a B.C. Director for the First Nations Lands Advisory Board in October 2016.
Leah George-Wilson
Leah D. George-Wilson (Sisi-ya-ama) is a member of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation (TWN) located in North Vancouver.
She was the first woman to hold the office of Elected Chief for the TWN, a position she held from 2001-2003, 2005 – 2009, and 2017-2021.
Leah George-Wilson previously worked for the TWN for many years in various positions including member of the TWN’s negotiating team in the BC Treaty Process, TWN Self-Government Coordinator. and Director of the TWN Treaty, Land and Resources Department.
Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology from Simon Fraser University and a Juris Doctor Degree from the University of British Columbia.
She also sits on a number of boards including the First Nations Lands Advisory Board, the Canadian Tourism Commission and the BC First Nations Health Council.
Leah George-Wilson was elected in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and again in 2013 as co-chair, the 2 member administrative executive of the First Nations Summit. As co-chair, she deals with the administrative issues of the FNS and works with the First Nations Summit Task Group (FNS political executive) who are authorized by the Summit to carry out specifically-mandated tasks on issues related to treaty negotiations in BC. The Summit represents the majority of First Nations in BC on treaty-related issues and other issues of common concern to First Nations.
Please use the following email to reach Leah George-Wilson:
Directors of the Prairies
Councillor Steven Roy Johnston
(Mistawasis First Nation)
Band Member and Councillor of Mistawasis Nêhiyawak, Steven Johnston is in his second term of office. Councillor Johnston is assigned to the Economic Development and Band Development Portfolio for his Community with shared responsibilities in Governance, Finance, Housing and Ohpikihâwasowin (Child Rearing) or Child and Family Services (CFS) .
Steven is an undergraduate of the College of Commerce at the U of S. Since April 2018, he has been serving as a Board of Director with First Nations National Institutions such as, First Nation Finance Authority (FNFA) and the Lands Advisory Board (LAB). He is also involved in a few local committees and boards with Mistawasis Nêhiyawak which include the Finance & Audit Committee as Chair and Misty Ventures Inc. as Chair. His background also includes six years as Chief Financial Officer for Mistawasis Nêhiyawak, five years as Board of Director of Aboriginal Financial Officers Association (AFOA SK) prior to his election as Councillor in 2017, and Co-Manager and Third-Party Management with various Communities in Central Saskatchewan for nine years where he gained working knowledge of diversification and growing with the Communities he worked for.
As a lifelong resident and direct descendant of Chief Mistawasis (Pierre Belanger) and Chief Broken Jaw (Jacob Johnston), he understands and firmly believes in family, the potential that exists in the people and businesses within the grassroots. He also contributes time and energy to several charitable causes and non-profits. Steven and his wife Lora have four wonderful children, including two adopted children.
Austin Bear
Former Chief Carl Austin Bear, retired in 2019, after serving 14 consecutive terms as the Chief of the Muskoday First Nation. Austin is a longtime LAB Director and currently serves as Chair of the FNLM Resource Centre Board of Directors and a member of the LAB Finance Committee.
His vision of balance in all areas of personal and community life has inspired his commitment to develop a healthy and safe community which continues to undergo positive economic growth. Austin resides on the Muskoday First Nation with his wife, Robina, and their family of rescued pets.
Please use the following email to reach Austin Bear:

Councillor Frank Royal
Councillor Frank Royal, Whitecap Dakota First Nation
(Full bio to follow)
Please use the following email to reach Councillor Royal:
Elected as a Prairie Region Director for the First Nations Lands Advisory Board at the 2022 LAB AGM.

Chief Gordon Bluesky
Gordon BlueSky proudly serves as Chief of his home community of Brokenhead Ojibway Nation (BON), located 45 minutes North of Winnipeg, Manitoba. He was first elected in 2022 and re-elected by acclamation in 2024.
Chief BlueSky is focused on making life better for the people of BON, using his wealth of experience in lands governance, resource management, and government-to-government negotiations. He draws from his personal experiences as a survivor of the 60s Scoop who returned from the United States to rediscover his heritage and become a leader in his community.
His early career saw him dedicate nearly two decades to working with BON, Fox Lake Cree Nation, and the Treaty Land Entitlement Committee of Manitoba, where he focused on land claims, reserve creation, and protecting land, environment, and resources. His early involvement with the former Kapyong Barracks land claim that BON initiated in the early 2000s led to him taking on the role of Director of Lands for the Treaty One Development Corporation (T1DC). In that role, he successfully led negotiations to finalize the “Gaawijijigemangit Agreement,” which is a Municipal Development Services Agreement with the City of Winnipeg that secures essential infrastructural services for what it now the Naawi-Oodena Treaty One Joint Reserve. This work and more has earned him recognition from the National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association for excellence in Lands Management, as well as an honourable mention by the Manitoba Excellence in Sustainability Award for helping to create the Lake Winnipeg Indigenous Collective.
Today, as Chief of BON, he continues to stand up for his Nation. He is a leading advocate for the protection of Lake Winnipeg, the South basin of which is part of the traditional territory of BON and other Treaty 1 Nations. He is also focused on making his community safer for BON members, including getting the provincial government to enact important new changes to Highway 59 following tragic motor vehicle accidents, including a long called for reductions in speed limits, an additional controlled intersection, and a redesign of the bridge over the Brokenhead River. He also continues to use his voice to right historical wrongs, challenging Manitoba Hydro’s history of power generation development along the Winnipeg River System, which has never properly addressed the many impacts on First Nations communities, including BON.
Beyond his role as Chief, he regularly acts as Treaty 1 spokesperson on critical public issues, advocating for the rights and interests of Treaty 1 Nations. He has recently been elected as a Board Member of the First Nations Lands Advisory Board, where he will help support First Nations communities in regaining control over their lands, natural resources, and environment. As Chair of the Southeast Development Corporation, he oversees a wide range of programming and services for Indigenous people, including health services, housing and advisory services, social supports, employment and training, and student services.
Growing up as the only brother among sisters, he has a deep respect for Ikwewag (women) and their roles as life givers. He is a devoted family man, living with his supportive wife and their three daughters.
Under Chief BlueSky’s leadership, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation continues to move towards a sustainable and prosperous future, always grounded in respect for heritage and community-driven decision-making.
It’s his honor and privilege to serve his people.
Please use the following email to reach Chief Bluesky:
Elected as a Prairie (Manitoba) Region Director for the First Nations Lands Advisory Board at the 2024 LAB AGM.
Directors of Eastern Region
Chief Gerry Duquette Jr.
Gerry is from Dokis First Nation, located on the beautiful Upper French River. He graduated from the Native Land Management Program at Cambrian College and began working for Dokis First Nation in 2003 as the Land Code Coordinator.
In 2006, he joined the National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association (NALMA) as the bilingual (French & English) Resource Officer and the Quebec/Labrador First Nations Coordinator. Gerry returned home to Dokis First Nation in 2010 where he accepted the position of Consultation Coordinator. Since 2010, he led the passing of the Dokis Land Code, was the Ratification Officer for the Okikendawt Hydro Project and the Okikendawt Hydro Trust, was a Certified Verifier for First Nation Land Management under the Framework Agreement and is frequently sought after as a resource by other First Nations to support them throughout their Land Code journey. Gerry is currently serving his third term as Chief of his community.
James Cada
Mr. Cada has over 20 years’ experience as Director of Operations (Band Manager/Administrator) for Mississauga First Nation in Ontario. He holds an Advanced Certificate in Governance and Administration through the First Nations Technical Institute/Ryerson University.
Mr. Cada served as an Implementation Committee Member of the Northern Boundary Settlement Agreement, and Negotiation Team member for the HWY/ILA and Flooded Lands Negotiations. He was instrumental in coordinating the development and approval process of the Mississauga First Nation Land Code, Individual Agreement, Individual Agreement Amendment adding the Northern Boundary Lands (40,000 acres) and a draft Land Use Plan. For Mississauga First Nation Mr. Cada has also worked in various capacities on the project management of 2 subdivisions, the administration of the Health Complex, Water Treatment and Filtration Plant, Seniors Complex (6 apartments), Family and Youth Building, Renovation of Education Building, Sports Complex and Ball Field.

Philip Goulais
In February 2007, Philip developed his own Advisory & Contract Services, which he operates from his home on Nipissing First Nation. From August 2003 to 2006 Philip was the Chief of Nipissing First Nation.
Philip served eight years as the Indian Commissioner of Ontario from February 1992 to March 2000, and was Grand Chief of Robinson-Huron Territory from 1982 to 1988. Philip served as Chief of Nipissing First Nation from 1978 to 1992.
One of Philip’s major accomplishments was the 1994 Mississauga First Nation Land Claim Settlement Agreement.
Philip is a member of several boards and committees, including Director to the First Nations Lands Advisory Board, Advisor to Nipissing First Nation’s Nursing Home Project, and Advisor to the Anishinabek Nation (Union of Ontario Indians).
Please use the following email to reach Phillip Goulais:
Councillor William McCue
Mr. William (Bill) McCue was Chief of the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation from 1993 until March 31, 2005. He retired from that position and is currently a Councillor for the First Nation.
Mr. McCue was previously Chairman of the Ogemawahj Tribal Council as well as being Southeast Regional Chief for the Union of Ontario Indians. He also served as the Ontario representative on ITAB from 1997 to 2007.
He is presently a Director for, and sits on the Finance Committee of, the First Nations Lands Advisory Board. He is a tireless advocate for the continued support of economic self‐sufficiency for First Nations. Mr. McCue is currently a Commissioner for the First Nations Tax Commission, to which he was appointed in 2007.
Please use the following email to reach Councillor William McCue:

Chief Kelly LaRocca
Kelly LaRocca, proudly serves as the Chief of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation, located near the town of Port Perry, Ontario.
Kelly’s educational achievements include an honours degree in philosophy from the University of Western Ontario, and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law. Kelly also spent time on the west coast, studying Aboriginal law at the University of Victoria, after having practiced as a civil litigation lawyer in the City of Toronto.
Upon returning to Scugog First Nation in 2008, Kelly built her capacity as a Council member and was later elected as Chief in 2013. Chief LaRocca and the MSIFN Council led the negotiation of the commercial gaming and revenue share agreements for the Great Blue Heron Casino, which is owned and operated on the territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation. These commercial agreements have enabled the community to weather the COVID19 pandemic, and the First Nation looks forward to the completion of its many capital projects that are ongoing. Most recently, a hotel was added to the footprint of the Great Blue Heron Casino, which is the first and only hotel in Scugog Township.
Kelly proudly served as the Portfolio Chief Representative during the claim negotiations arising from the 1923 Williams Treaties, which came to a final settlement in 2018 and is one of the largest treaty settlements in Canadian claims history. Serving under the Chiefs of the Williams Treaties First Nations and the negotiation team was one of the highlights of Kelly’s tenure as Chief.
In 2019, Kelly and the MSIFN Council very proudly established the MSIFN Community Legacy Trust, which ensures that the Treaty Settlement Monies from the Williams Treaties Final Settlement will be put to the use and benefit of the MSIFN community and for future generations.
Like so many First Nations across Canada, MSIFN has been on a permanent Drinking Water Advisory since 2008. Chief LaRocca and the MSIFN Council is extremely proud that MSIFN is nearing completion of their community Water Treatment project, which will soon bring clean drinking water to the people of Scugog First Nation. In 2021, MSIFN commenced its wastewater expansion project for the benefit of community homes and other public infrastructure development.
Upon a Council recommendation to the MSIFN community, the First Nation approved the start-up of the Noozhoo NokiiyanLimited Partnership (NNLP) to manage the community’s economic development opportunities. All business conducted through the NNLP will serve to reinvest into the community. Kelly is an ex officio Director of the Board for NNLP, and she looks forward to promising contributions of NNLP to the benefit to the MSIFN.
MSIFN recently underwent a successful community-based review and update to its Land Code. With 20+ years having self-governance of MSIFN territorial lands through the scope of First Nations Lands Management, MSIFN has endured great success, and the community is well on its way to achieving self-sustainability. MSIFN is also seeking to pass a Custom Election Code. While proving one of its most challenging projects as a community, MSIFN believes that adopting its own customary elections process is the best way forward for greater consistency and strength in governance outside of the Indian Act. The MSIFN community continues in its process under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act (FMA) and passed its Financial Administration Law in 2019. The FMA financial certification process is well underway.
Kelly is an elected Director for the First Nations Lands Advisory Board for First Nations Lands Management and is honoured to be able to assist any community she can to move their lands management processes forward.
While much success has come to MSIFN in its vision as a community, this is as a result of brave decision-making of past and present leadership, the hard work of skilled employees, and most importantly, the collective wisdom of the people of MSIFN. Kelly is elated that she had her daughter Ruby and her son Eli during her tenure as Chief, and the children were with her throughout the gaming negotiations and Williams Treaties final settlement. Kelly lives with her amazingly supportive partner Jonathan and their two children in Scugog First Nation. It continues to be Kelly’s honour and privilege to serve her people.
Elected as an Eastern Director for the First Nations Lands Advisory Board in October 2016