The Resource Centre (RC) is committed to assist operational communities in identifying their priorities, needs, and work planning for successful implementation of their Land Code.
Under the Training, Mentorship and Professional Development (TMPD) strategy, the RC continues to develop and deliver fundamental and technical Lands Governance training under the Framework Agreement.
Workshops & Webinars
The RC continues to work towards providing future training and Lands Governance capacity development under the Framework Agreement. These sessions are designed to deliver general information and updates on specific topics that are of interest to our managers, directors and communities. Provide knowledge sharing opportunities through experienced First Nation participants that provide expertise towards a specific subject matter.
- Information Workshops – these session are intended to deliver general information and updates on specific topics that are of interest to our managers, directors and communities
- Learning Workshops – where knowledge is directly delivered by selected experts in the subject matter field
- Focus Groups – small targeted groups derived experienced First Nation participants that provide expertise towards a specific subject matter
Audiences will be advised as workshops and courses become available, you can also access Upcoming Events and Past Events including presentation & materials.
Online Courses
Online Courses are short courses that have been created on topics informed by the key functions of a Lands Governance Director, Lands Manager or other Lands related staff operating under the Framework Agreement. These courses also have a supporting workbook, presentation and supplemental resources that can be used in webinars, workshops and individual learning. Courses are reviewed and updated periodically as laws and other content changes come into effect. There are presently over 50 online courses available, with several additional ones in development which can be accessed through our Online Course Catalogue.
Knowledge Paths Tool
This valuable tool can be used to inform, expand and support your individual learning goals. Identify your learning needs to strengthen your core land governance competencies that lead to the growth and advancement in your knowledge, successes and effective governance approaches over your community lands and resources. Click here to create your TMPD Knowledge Path.
Once your individual or land governance office training goals have been defined, we can further assist you with a training needs assessment which will identify land governance categories of interest, highlight key focus areas within each category, and determine individual learning objectives that will assist with the development of an Individual Training Plan.
Land Governance Manual (LGM)
The LGM is a resource tool for Operational First Nations. It provides extensive documentation, process support and guidance. It is available through a web-based App format for Lands staff to reference as required. It plays a central role in the workshops and webinars and is regularly updated and refined based on First Nation successes, challenges and needs. Visit LGM – A Guide to Land Governance for access.
Knowledge Repository
The ability to host a searchable electronic knowledge repository of land governance examples, cases, templates, and other resource tools to support Operational First Nations is central to the design philosophy of the TMPD strategy. Our website continues to be implemented on an ongoing basis, along with other tools being considered, to allow for enhanced access points to the Resources & Knowledge Sharing repository.
Direct Community Support (1:1)
The RC staff are available to assist communities directly in identifying their priorities, needs, and work planning. If you are interested in this service, we encourage you to contact us and we can set a time to discuss your needs and work to design specific workshops to provide capacity training for your community.
Angie Derrickson, TMPD Manager
Core Competencies
The Core Competencies of a Land Governance Office

For more information please contact:
Leana Farlam, TMPD Manager