Land Registry Special Interest Workshop Series:
Workshop 1 - Future State Products & Services
June 16, 2021
In this special interests workshop we will explore the understanding of how well the existing registry is meeting First Nations needs and where improvements are needed in terms of:
- Information Products: reports, results and data that can be obtained from the Register
- Search: how information is found
- Register Information: what it contains and how it is organized
- Integrated Spatial and Textual Data: need for combining spatial and textual data into unified views and data products
- Parcels Not Based on Survey: handling of parcels with textual descriptions that do not have a spatial representation within the Registry parcel map
- Land Registry Services: supporting land governance and management tools
HANDOUT - Agenda

Presentation Video
HANDOUT - Presentation

HANDOUT - Presenters

HANDOUT - Zoom Poll Results - Q&A

Participant Guide

TMPD Schedule 2021

Last Modified: June 17, 2021