Land Status Reports - LGM Resources

A Land Status Report is a process to identify any encumbrances over a certain parcel of First Nation lands.

The purpose is to research, verify and compile information on First Nation lands for distribution to Natural Resources Canada, land surveyors, membership, clients and interested parties in order for them to determine land tenure, accessibility and feasibility of a land transaction.

The following samples have been developed by operational First Nations. You are encouraged to review and modify as needed to suit the specific needs under your Land Code and within your Land Governance office.


RC SAMPLE - Land Status Report - Policy & Procedures.pdf
RC SAMPLE - Land Status Report - Policy & Procedures.pdf
RC SAMPLE - Land Status Report - Form.pdf
RC SAMPLE - Land Status Report - Form.pdf
RC SAMPLE - Land Status Report - Letter.pdf
RC SAMPLE - Land Status Report - Letter.pdf

Last Modified: décembre 7, 2021