FNLMA Replacement and Framework Agreement Amendment #7

As directed by First Nations at the LAB 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) in December 2021, the LAB is seeking signatory First Nation approval on the proposed legislation to replace the current First Nations Land Management Act (FNLMA).

A draft of the new legislation, the proposed Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management Act (FAFNLMA), has been finalized. We must now signal our support to Canada to table the new legislation in Parliament.

A resolution tabled at the March 15, 2022 LAB Special Meeting received unanimous approval from all signatory First Nations in attendance to approve the new Legislative Wording.  (Review the resolution here)

CURRENT OBJECTIVE: Action required by Operational First Nations

  • Consent of 2/3rds of Operational First Nations to approve the proposed Framework Agreement changes is sought immediately.

Please click here to read the LAB Special Meeting Report from LAB Chairman Robert Louie.