On May 7th, 2014, members of Williams Lake Indian Band made their intentions clear, voting to re-assume jurisdiction over their lands and resources! In a huge show of community support, registered members who cast their ballot, voted in favour of regaining control of their community’s Land Governance under the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management. This is the 49th First Nation to ratify its Land Code under the Framework Agreement on First Nations Land Management. Congratulations Williams Lake!
“I’m extremely pleased that the Williams Lake Indian Band has given such strong support for their recent Land Code vote. This is an extremely hard working community that deserves to be in First Nation Land Management. Their Economic Development projects both present and future will benefit immensely from their Land Code, and their lands will be protected for their future generations. Congratulations to a wonderful and deserving community.”
~ Chief Robert Louie
Click here for the Williams Lake First Nation Press Release!
Click here for an article about the vote published by Nation Talk!