Special Chiefs Meeting - First Nation National Land Registry (FNNLR) Update
April 18, 2023
As you are likely aware, the Lands Advisory Board (LAB) and Resource Centre (RC) have been working with the BC Land Titles and Surveys Authority (BCLTSA) over the last several years to develop a proposal for a new land registry system.
On behalf of signatory First Nations to the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management, the LAB provided this proposal and supporting LAB AGM resolutions to Canada in November 2021 and an updated version again in September 2022.
On April 18th, 2023, we would like to update you on our efforts, obtain your continued direction and plan together for this fiscal year and beyond.
Target Audience:
- Chiefs of Operational & Developmental Signatory First Nations and/or their designated proxy holder (Councillors, Land Governance Directors, Land Managers, Band Managers)

Last Modified: April 18, 2023