Solid Waste Management Workshop - Saskatoon
July 17-18, 2019
This learning workshop will introduce and explore the importance of solid waste management in order to improve environmental governance. Participants will gain understanding of solid waste management planning, how to develop effective partnerships, as well as how to approach compliance and enforcement, within the context of the Framework Agreement.
Target Audience: Land Governance Directors, Chief & Council (lands, environment or community development), Community Waste Management Coordinators, Facilities Managers, Public Works Managers

HANDOUT - TMPD-Knowledge Sharing-Overview

Workshop Booklet

Presentation - SWM Framework Agreement

Presentation - SWM-Planning

Breakout Session - SWM Planning

Presentation - Recycle-Saskatchewan

HANDOUT - Recycle-Saskatchewan-Info-Sheet

HANDOUT - Recycle-Saskatchewan-Statistics

Presentation - SWM-Service-Agreements

HANDOUT - Service-Agreement-Process

Presentation - SWM-Compliance-Enforcement

Presentation - SWM-Developing-Community-Strategy

HANDOUT - Solid-Waste-Checklist

HANDOUT - Recycling-Checklist

Breakout Session -Developing-Community-Strategy


Presentation - TMPD-SWM-Support-Resources

Presentation - TMPD-Strategy-Wrap-Up-PPT

Event Videos - Youtube Playlist
Last Modified: January 19, 2022