Land Registry MRP Forms
Family Homes on Reserve and Matrimonial Interests and Rights Act (FHRMIRA)
The following registration procedures are samples that have been developed by operational First Nations. You are encouraged to use them and modify as needed to suit your specific needs under your Land Code.
FHRMIRA Legislation


FNLRS MRP 01 Assessment Form - Nov2019.pdf

FNLRS MRP 02 Declaration Form - Nov2019.pdf

FNLRS MRP 03 Consent Form (Spouse, CommonLaw) - Nov2019.pdf

FNLRS MRP 04 Consent Form (Executor of Will-Administrator of Estate) - Nov2019.pdf

FNLRS MRP 05 Court Ordered Transfer of Land or Structures - Nov2019.pdf

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Last Modified: July 6, 2021