Welcome to our video gallery. This gallery includes recordings from LAB and RC events, informational videos, and video productions shared by Framework Agreement First Nation signatories.

Featured video

An overview of the land governance resumed by First Nations who choose to establish a land code (land law) through the historic and First Nation-led Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management. (March 2025)

Treaty One Joint Reserve Land Code: Celebrating Naawi-Oodena

On November 13, 2023, Treaty One Nation held the first groundbreaking ceremony for Naawi-Oodena lands on the former Kapyong Barracks in Winnipeg.  Naawi-Oodena represents a significant milestone towards economic growth and community development for the Treaty One First Nations and the Winnipeg community. This video showcases the celebration of the ground-breaking of Naawi-Oodena lands – which are governed by the seven Nations of Treay One through the Treaty One Joint Reserve Land Code.  The approval by all seven Nations of the joint land code “… has profound implications for self-determination of the seven Treaty One Nations to oversee the development of Naawi-Oodena, a forecasted $1.5-$2 billion project to take place over the next 15 years on the former lands of the Kapyong Barracks lands in Winnipeg, MB.”

For more information on Naawi-Oodena, please visit https://treaty1.ca/naawi-oodena/

25 years of First Nation Self-Governance

A video created in celebration of 25 moments of significance experienced during the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management’s 25-year history.

25th Anniversary of the Framework Agreement

On February 12th, 2021, The Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management celebrated its 25th anniversary. Please click on the link below to view a collection of messages from leaders across the country celebrating the anniversary of the agreement’s historic signing.

100th First Nation Land Code

A collection of messages celebrating the incredible milestone achievement of 100 First Nations regaining governance over their lands, natural resources and environment. Please click on the link below to view a collection of messages from leaders across the country celebrating the milestone 100th land code ratification.

2020 LAB AGM Videos

The 2020 Lands Advisory Board Annual General Meeting, hosted by the Whitecap Dakota First Nation and held virtually in keeping with COVID-19 safety protocols,   was held on October 2th and 28th, 2020.  The LAB AGM delivered a series of important presentations, updates, and open forums, and facilitated the  LAB to seek direction from the signatory membership to guide strategic planning and political activities. The event was live-streamed in English and French, with materials from the event made available for download.  For recordings from the event, please click the link below.

Framework Agreement Community Experiences

Since the signing of the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management in 1996, communities across the country have forged ahead to regain governance over their reserve lands, natural resources, and environment. Follow the link below to view the collection of videos highlighting experiences shared by the leadership of some of these First Nation communities.

Perspectives in Land Governance

First Nation Videos