I am an Interested First Nation
The road to the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management (Framework Agreement) began in the late 1980’s, launched by a small group of First Nations Chiefs, looking for a way for First Nation communities to leave the paternalistic constraints of the Indian Act behind.
The purpose of the Framework Agreement was to recognize the inherent right of First Nations to resume control over their lands and resources for the use and benefit of their members without Government interference, by replacing the land provisions of the Indian Act with First Nation made laws.
The Framework Agreement was signed by the Minister of Indigenous Services Canada and 13 First Nations on February 12, 1996.
The Framework Agreement sets out the principal components of reserve land governance. It is not a treaty and does not affect treaty or other aboriginal constitutional rights of the First Nations.
The Framework Agreement was ratified by Canada through the enactment of the First Nations Land Management Act on June 17, 1999.
The Framework Agreement provides First Nations with the option to govern their reserve lands outside the Indian Act. The option to regain control of their lands and resources can only be undertaken with the consent of the community.
A signatory First Nation to the Framework Agreement creates its own land code, community ratification process, and enters into an Individual Agreement with Canada.
Once the Land Code and Individual Agreement are approved by the community, the land management provisions of the Indian Act cease to apply. The Minister of Indigenous Services Canada will no longer be involved in the day-to-day management of the First Nation’s reserve lands. The Land Code does not have to be approved by the Minister.
Becoming a Signatory to the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management
Getting Started
Any First Nation, if it wishes, should have the opportunity to participate in this land management initiative. There is no deadline and applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
To become a signatory to the Framework Agreement, a First Nation begins by submitting a BCR stating its intent to join. To officially submit a BCR, or for help with its wording, please contact your regional RC Manager of Support Services by selecting from the options below.
Request A Presentation
The LAB and RC are committed to assisting all First Nations in achieving their desired goal of exercising their inherent right to control their reserve lands and resources.
Let us know if you would like more information or to coordinate a presentation to your leadership and community.
Online Courses
We encourage interested First Nations that may want to learn more about the Framework Agreement to explore these courses and contact the Resource Centre for a introductory presentation which can be delivered to all members of your community.
Highlights of Land Code Successes
- Timely business and administrative decisions
- Increased accountability and transparency
- Political and financial stability
- Security of land tenure (individual and collective)
- Increased property values
- Sustainable economic and community development opportunities
- Increased opportunities for members (employment, business, education, etc.)
- Improved standard of living and social web of community
- Increased capital investment (infrastructure and associated land development)
- Increased cultural awareness and cultural programming
- Community pride in being self-determining and not governed by Canada
- Significant contribution to local economy (fiscal & economic)