The Lands Advisory Board (LAB) and the First Nations Land Management Resource Centre (Resource Centre) are seeking highly qualified and self-motivated individuals to provide advisory and technical support services to First Nation communities and the Resource Centre.
As part of the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management (Framework Agreement), the LAB and the Resource Centre provide political and technical support to developmental and operational First Nations.  The developmental process under the Framework Agreement consists of a series of activities including the drafting of community land codes, implementing communication strategies and community voting procedures, as well as finalizing Individual Agreements with Canada. Once a First Nation ratifies its Land Code and becomes operational, the LAB and Resource Centre provide various support services such as assisting/advising with drafting land laws, rules, procedures, agreements, instruments, as well as implementing land governance systems and facilitating agreements and other arrangements with municipal, provincial, federal or First Nation governments.
Please click on the links below for further information on the current positions to be filled:
Technician First Nation Support Services East
Technician First Nation Support Services Prairies